Men's Ministry
The PEFC Men's Ministry offers opportunities for men of all ages to build friendships, find accountability, learn each other's stories, grow in the Word and experience the unique support found in Christian brotherhood.
men meet for breakfast and spend time fellowshipping, praying, hearing a testimony from one of the men, and occasionally participating in a service project on our church campus or around the community.
Women's Ministry

God has blessed our church body with a fabulous group of women who have a heart for the Word of God. We come together in the church library on Wednesday mornings at 10:30. We study the Word of God and share our hearts, praises, and struggles with one another. Everything that is shared is prayed over and kept in confidence. Our primary desire is to grow in love for God's Word and live as Christ by loving and serving others.
Children's Ministry
"Jesus said, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matt. 19:14
At Paradise Evangelical Free Church, we want each child to know they are uniquely created and loved by God. We share the simple truths of the Bible through fun, interactive and practical teachings and activities designed to help each child learn about God and know Him personally, grow in their faith, knowledge of Scripture and spiritual maturity.

Student Ministries
At PEFC,We have a small but growing group of middle and high school-aged youth who meet every Sunday morning at 9:30 to discuss a Bible passage and do a fun activity. On occasion, fun student events, excursions and service projects are held mid-week. Our goal is to support parents in the challenging task of discipling adolescents to strong Christian faith.
Small Groups
We were not created to do life alone. We were made for community. Our small home group Bible studies are designed to help us grow in relationship with other believers and with God as we study Scripture, pray and share our lives with each other. If you are seeking a deeper relationship with God and other Christians, a PEFC home group is a great place to start.